Til innholdet



Seeking better customer service

Eltel Networks both builds and maintains electric and telecommunications networks all over Finland. The company employs 1,500 people and has over 800 vehicles. Eltel tested the different options of the Paikannin.com service through piloting, and was convinced by the broadness and functionality of the system and the references. Thanks to them, choosing a system provider proved to be rather painless. Locality was another positive factor – it helps in commitment to long-term collaboration.

Domesticity is a bonus

The Paikannin.com service was flexibly integrated into Eltel’s own internal data systems. The implementation of a location system enabled things like the adoption of a new work management system. The goals are cost efficiency and environment-friendliness: with more efficient work management, unnecessary mileage and its carbon dioxide emissions were eliminated. Smooth and flexible collaboration has also enabled the development of new functions and reports as Eltel’s operations develop.